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CV as a Sankey Diagram

Since I work a lot with data, evaluate and visualise it, I thought it would also be exciting to visualise data about myself. This is a first attempt to do so. For this purpose I have visualised my CV with a Sankey Diagram from Plotly. 
A Sankey diagram is a visual representation of flow or process information, where the width of the arrows is proportional to the flow rate or quantity represented. It is often used to show the movement of resources, energy, money or materials through a system and can help identify potential areas for optimisation or improvement. The diagram usually consists of rectangular nodes representing each stage of the process and arrows connecting them, with the width of the arrows reflecting the flow between them. The nodes and arrows are usually labelled to indicate what they represent, and colours or shading may be used to distinguish between different types of flows or processes. Sankey diagrams are commonly used in engineering, environmental science, economics and business to illustrate complex systems or data.

In my case, I marked different sections of my CV with the nodes and connected them accordingly with the arrows. The colours roughly separate the different sections. As yet, the width of the arrows has not been optimally adjusted, and I will also expand the depth of the Sankey diagram in the future.

Link to GitHub:




Sankey Diagram

Data visualisation

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